November 16, 1999 |
Not So Important News!
Artx -Showing off its non-Dolphin goods. Get this, a PC manufacturing company, known as Acer labs, has signed up our Dolphin's beloved Art-X to integrate their graphics chip into Acer's computers. Art-X's chip, known as the "Aladdin 7," contains a 128-bit graphics engine that is twice the power of a 3dfx Voodoo3 2000. It also supplies the transform and lighting engine found elsewhere only on nVidia's 256 bit GeForce card (which some consider to be the best chip on the market right now). Please note that this is NOT the chip being used in Nintendo's Project Dolphin, it's actually a cheaper, toned-down version of the Project Dolphin chipset...which shows just how powerful and kick-ass Art-X is. Interesting side note...Guess who Art-X's rival is in this PC-market deal? S3. Guess what Dolphin has? Both Art-X and S3 technology. Courtesy of Nintendorks.
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