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Eidos Coming to Dolphin.....Sucker Punch Confirmed Dolphin Developer....N2000Jeff Confirmed Coolest Guy Around.....Dolphin Should Be Here in 2000....

December 01, 1999








Sucker Punch -Makers of Rocket: Robot on Wheels sign onto make Dolphin Games.

Well the makers of Rocket: Robot on Wheels the supposed sleeper hit of this seasons holidays has signed on to make Dolphin Games.  This is a very good sign that the Dolphin is getting more than the lame developers for the N64 (cough cough Acclaim cough cough).

Courtesy of IGN64.

Edios -TombRaider onDolphin.   God Help Us.

Well its looking as if the makers of TombRaider one of the most overrated PSX games are looking at making the games for N2000.  If they do make games for the Dolphin I hope its not TombRaider I know everyone likes Lara but c'mon lets grow up its just some polygons.  If they do I would like to see a Kain game that would kick.

Courtesty of PlanetN2000.


EA -Gets New Bond Flick "The World Is Not Enough" License.

One has to wonder if the Bond license is really worth it without Rare Doing the Game.  The reason "Goldeneye" succeeded was because Rare put time into developing it.  Only time will tell (sounds like a bond flick kinda eh?)   Unfortunatley EA has this nonsense policy about "wait and see" for Next Gen Consoles.  Then they pick the best ones.  So we can almost rest assured that it will be coming to dolphin.  The only thing I'm woried about is if their going to put in Denise Richards.  God I hope so!

Havi -Home Audio Video interoperability

Home Audio Video interoperability (HAVi), a digital AV home-networking architecture proposed by eight consumer-electronics companies, will reach the practical implementation phase early next year when the HAVi licensing program begins. Publication of the version 1.0 HAVi specifications and the establishment of the HAVi Organization, which will oversee licensing, are to proceed early next month.

The eight companies — Grundig, Hitachi, Matsushita, Philips, Sharp, Sony, Thomson Multimedia and Toshiba — have formed a one-stop licensing program of HAVi-related patents, with Philips representing those licensers. The practical licensing details will be announced in January.

The eight companies have been hammering out the final version 1.0 specification, which is scheduled to be completed early in December. Victor Co. of Japan Ltd., a part of the Matsushita group, has also contributed to the HAVi spec.

HAVi consists of a set of application programming interfaces and middleware that enable HAVi-compliant audio-visual devices to connect to IEEE 1394 networks and share each other's functionality without a PC go-between.

"HAVi is for consumer products," said a Matsushita spokesman, so the specs can't easily be changed once they have been set. "The group members put the first priority on verification tests to eliminate bugs."

With the publication of version 1.0, the organization will begin inviting membership to promote the interface.

The eight companies will also develop interconnecting "bridges" with other home-networking standards, such as Jini and Universal Plug and Play, to enable seamless connection to the Internet and to non-consumer devices.

Courtesy of EETimes and PlanetN2000.

Saffire -First Person Shooter Coming?

Rising developer Saffire (Rainbow Six N64) told IGN64 today that it is currently underway with a 3D first-person shooter designed for Nintendo's next-generation console, codenamed Dolphin. While the company wasn't willing to reveal any concrete details regarding gameplay, it did let us know that the title will take place in a futuristic environment.

The technically capable developer has not yet received final Dolphin development kits, but it does have a dedicated team creating the shooter with official specifications of Nintendo's next-generation console in mind. Saffire hopes to have the game ready in time for the system's launch.

As soon as more details become available, we'll bring them to you. In the meantime though, note that Saffire, like developers Eurocom and Sucker Punch, is one of the most underrated software houses making Nintendo 64 games and should have no problem translating its considerable talents to Dolphin.

Courtesy of PlanetN2000


Dolphin's Date -Coming Before Christmas 2000

NCL's chariman stated today that the Nintendo Dolphin will be out before Christmas 2000.  He also stated that the Dolphin could not be released any later, or it may face a certain demise just like the N64 did in Japan.  In Japan are 2 key words this may be hinting that it may not make its worldwide launch or it simply may mean nothing but its something to note.  Lastly it will be hella cheaper than PSX2.  Which is great considering that its supposed to be a lot more powerful.   Check back here every day for more news updates.


MTV Music Generator -Codemasters considers.

MTV Music Generator a new psx game that lets you take music off of CD's and mix them with other songs or samples of the game to create your own new mix perhaps will be coming to Dolphin.  Codemasters reports that they have been evaluating the Dolphin Hardware and are considering it.

Picture of MTV Music Generator.

Courtesy of IGN64.

Nintendo -Spends $250 million on Dolphin Launch?

Thats the talk of the town supposedly $250 million will be be spent in 2000.  $150 million of that will go to the launch of the Dolphin.  Sega used similar resources to launch its Dreamcast Console $100 million.  This may prove that the Dolphin is going to launch in 2000 after all.

Courtesy of PlanetN2000.

DVD-RAM? - Miyamoto always likes writability.

The facts are building supporting Nintendo's use of DVD RAM in their new system. Panasonic (Matsushita) is set to show off DVD RAM at the upcoming trade show COMDEX. Jeff Saake, Group General Manager of Panasonic Industrial Company's Computer Technology Group, alluded to the possible use in games. "Because DVD-RAM is a disc-based medium, the drive's player mechanism can seek any place on the disc and begin playing," Saake said. "These random access features enable applications ranging from multiple endings for a movie, to (Here's the important part!) interactive video games, to multiple camera angles."

Courtesy of PlanetN2000.



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